Giving thanks for our Emotions

Having a strong emotion can often be a signpost that we have something to learn, or something to appreciate. I'm sure that the map activity will have helped you to recognise the breadth of feelings and emotions that you are experiencing during this unprecedented time. It is totally understandable that we are feeling almost every emotion under the sun. I have found myself during the lockdown periods obsessively baking (and eating) cakes, and setting up projects to keep myself busy, and then recognised that I've been doing these things partly to avoid feeling my I am creating this activity as much for me as I am for you!!!

It is beginning to dawn on me what a gift there is in facing my uncomfortable feelings, and also in embracing my (often) unexpectedly blissful ones. So this activity is an invitation to give thanks for your emotions, and to ask them to reveal their gifts to you. Copy the questions below, and add whichever emotions you want to explore, one at a time....and then give yourself a bit of quiet time and space to listen for the answers.

Here's a couple of examples to show you how it might go:

Thank you...fear....for showing up...this week. You helped me see.... how precious my parents are to me. Thank you for spurring me on them more often, and to tell them how much they mean to me.

Thank you....impatience...for showing You helped me I have not been speaking my truth enough, and worrying about how others will react. Thank you for spurring me on to...initiate a much needed conversation which has led to new clarity and a deeper understanding in my relationship.



Thank you......................for showing up..............................................

You helped me see..................

Thank you for spurring me on to........................


It's absolutely fine to change the words to suit each emotion more, and you don't have to be spurred on to DO something; it could be that you're spurred on to surrender, or to STOP doing something, or to be still!!!

Enjoy xxx