Celebrating Simple Pleasures Activity

In times like these it is particularly heartening to recognise the simple (and often free) pleasures that you enjoy in your life. Either print out the sheet below, or copy the details into your journal or onto a piece of paper or card. If you have children in your household involve the whole family if you like. The intention here is to notice how many simple things we do - many of which involve very little effort or expenditure - that give us pleasure. They often involve our senses; baking & eating cake and observing the beauty of nature being amongst my favourites! It can also help to create categories to spark your memories, for example, each bubble could have a title like: simple pleasures outdoors, simpe pleasures that involve family or friends, simple pleasures you enjoy alone, etc etc. The only "rule" with this activity is that you make sure that at least half of what you list are activities you can do within the confines of your current situation. And once you've made your list, see if you can commit to nourishing yourself by doing at least one of these activities every day!